Monday, February 21, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Vampire Diaries: Caroline on the scene in episode 2x16 - "The House Guest" - Vampire Diaries: Caroline pe scena in episodul 2x16 - "The House Guest"

In the official summary of the episode 2x16 - "The House Guest", it is mentioned that Caroline vampires will find a way to attract new attention to Matt. Who would have thought that she would sing? At least that's what we think after seeing the photo below. Interestingly, the actress Candice Accola is not foreign to this activity, she has a singing career.

 Traducere in limba romana:
In rezumatul oficial al episodului 2x16 - "The House Guest", se mentioneaza faptul ca vampirita Caroline va gasi o modalitate noua de a-i atrage atentia lui Matt. Cine ar fi crezut ca ii va canta?! Cel putin asta credem dupa ce am vazut fotografia de mai jos. Interesant este faptul ca actrita Candice Accola nu este deloc straina acestei activitati, ea are si o cariera de cantareata.

Vampire Diaries: Damon and Julie Plec Elena speaks- Vampire Diaries: Julie Plec vorbeste despre Damon si Elena

In the most recent episodes of "The Vampire Diaries," Damon (Ian Somerhalder) appears to indulge in much wine, women and blood. However a stirring some unwanted human feelings, get a deadly cocktail for him called Mystic Falls. Julie Plec says in an interview to Zap2it about Damon's apparent emotional breakdown. She reminded us that Damon said Stefan early second season: "At the beginning of the season, Damon told Stephen:" Katherine once you destroyed. Do not let this happen again "."
 Katherine's absence in Damon's life in the last 145 years has left much room for what Julie Plec called "Damon's party who are very self-destructive, very violent and very aggressive." Damon has lived in a dark lifestyle for a long time so it still has devnit way. Of course, there are chances for him, Damon has changed: "He remains under control because she wants to be, as Elaine says, a better man. That's not because of Katherine, but what is Elena." Now Damon's fights stem from the fact that we have to see Helen Stephen ofrindu his affection: "Damon has not and does not want Helen to be a hero. When you get to watch and not be recognized, he will go in search of the person who was in the last 145 years. "
Unfortunately, this means that he will return to old habits that you have somehow defined for a long time: "When show's writers wrote the story for the first episode when Rose died, he had a final quite different. had written the entire script and concluded with a Helen Damon-embracing. finished writing and writers and walked forward until they realized that Damon's response to the overwhelming feelings caused by Loss of Rose and Helen when they have emotional made too sensitive. " Then came the idea it could again become villain simply as a response to too many feelings. That changed everything. Therefore, Damon lost on the road drunk, confessed that he wanted to be a foreign man again, then killed her just to show he can. Damon's something not done since the beginning of the season. Julie Plec added: "The final speech was written by Kevin [Williamson] was brilliant. He changed everything. Even refreshed us all and reminded us that Damon can be deliciously evil or good and how EPC the two parts of it are in conflict with each other I. "

Traducere in limba romana:

In cele mai recente episoade "The Vampire Diaries," Damon (Ian Somerhalder) pare ca se rasfata cu mult vin, femei si sange. Amestecand toate acestea un niste sentimente umane nedorite, obtinem un cocktail ucigator pentru el numit Mystic Falls.  Julie Plec vorbeste intr-un interviu pentru Zap2it despre aparenta cadere emotionala a lui Damon. Ea ne-a reamintit ce i-a spus Stefan lui Damon la inceputul sezonului al doilea: "La inceputul sezonului, Stefan i-a spus lui Damon: 'Katherine te-a distrus o data. Nu lasa asta sa se intample din nou"'.
Absenta lui Katherine in viata lui Damon in ultimii 145 de ani a lasat mult loc pentru ceea ce Julie Plec numeste "parti ale lui Damon care sunt foarte auto-distructive, foarte violente si foarte agresive." Damon a traiat intr-un stil de viata intunecat pentru foarte mult timp asa inca asta a devnit felul sau. Desigur, exista sanse pentru el, Damon s-a schimbat: "El se mentine sub control pentru ca vrea sa fie, asa cum zice Elena, un om mai bun. Asta nu din cauza lui Katherine, ci pentru ceea ce Elena reprezinta." Acum framantarile lui Damon vin din faptul ca trebuie sa o vada pe Elena ofrindu-si afectiunea lui Stefan: "Damon nu o are pe Elena si nu vrea sa fie un erou. Cand va ajunge sa se priveasca si sa nu se mai recunoasa, el va merge in cautarea persoanei care a fost in ultimii 145 de ani".

Din nefericire, acest lucru inseama ca el se va intoarce la vechile obiceiuri care l-au cam definit pentru o lunga perioada de timp: "Cand scenaristii serialului au scris pentru prima data povestea pentru episodul in care Rose moare, acesta a avut un final cu totul diferit. Scriseseram intregul scenariu si incheiasem cu Damon imbratisand-o pe Elena. Terminasem de scris si mergeam inainte pana cand scriitorii si-au dat seama ca raspunsul lui Damon la sentimentele coplesitoare cauzate de piederea lui Rose si momentul emotional cu Elena l-au facut prea sensibil." 
Atunci a aparut ideea ca ar putea sa redevina pur si simplu ticalos ca un raspuns la prea multe sentimente. Asta a schimbat totul. Prin urmare, Damon a ratacit beat pe drumuri, s-a confesat unei straine ca doreste sa fie om din nou, apoi a ucis-o doar pentru a arata ca poate. E ceva ce Damon nu a mai facut de la inceputul acestui sezon. Julie Plec adauga: "Discursul din final a fost scris de Kevin [Williamson], a fost genial. A schimbat totul. Chiar ne-a revigorat pe toti si ne-a amintit ca Damon poate fi delicios de rau sau epc de bun si cum cele doua parti ale sale sunt in conflict una cu cealalata."

Vampire Diaries: Extended Promo for episode 2x15 - "The Dinner Party"- Vampire Diaries: Promo extins pentru episodul 2x15

The Vampire Diaries: Valentine's Day Special - The Vampire Diaries: Special pentru Ziua Indragostitilor

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pictures with Nina Dobrev ( Katherine) and Ian (Damon) for Valentyne's day- Poze cu Nina Dobrev( Katherine) si Ian( Damon) pentru Ziua Indragostitilor

I hope you wll like it!!

Vampire Diaries: Nina Dobrev talks about Valentine's Day -Vampire Diaries: Nina Dobrev vorbeste despre Valentine’s Day

MTV Nina Dobrev recently met to discuss Valentine's Day, and she said the song from Aerosmith's "I Do not Want to Miss a Thing" and he said about Valentine flavored. It also speculate on how they will peterece this day Helen and Katherine.

Traducere in limba romana:
MTV s-a intalnit recent cu Nina Dobrev pentru a discuta despre Valentine’s Day, iar ea a mentionat melodia celor de la Aerosmith, “I Don’t Wanna Miss a Thing”, si si-a spus pararea despre Ziua Indragostitilor. De asemenea, ea face speculatii cu privire la cum isi vor peterece aceasta zi Elena si Katherine.

Vampire Diaries: Paul Wesley in Seventeen magazine (Argentina) -Vampire Diaries: Paul Wesley in Revista Seventeen (Argentina)

 Paul Wesley: "Most of the job that an actor I like to travel and may have the opportunity to know different cultures."

Traducere in limba romana:
Paul Wesley: "Cel mai mult la meseria aceasta de actor imi place ca pot sa calatoresc si am ocazia sa cunosc diferite culturi".

Vampire Diaries: Julie Plec says that there are opportunities for Caroline and Tyler

It's no secret that we like the appearance in Mystic Falls werewolf, although we angry because Tyler (Michael Trevino) that has such unexpected behavior in the episode "Daddy Issues".

Executive Producer of the show, Julie Plec werewolf guide us through the mysteries of ensuring that, while a wide Tyler did when he hesitated to defend Caroline vampires versus werewolves in battle, he is not as bad as it seems."We remind you that Tyler is in turn a victim," she says, "for a guy who is not accustomed to recognize their feelings. Taking into consideration how the increased relationship with his father and his way to be up Now, the sort of testosterone driven guy, we realize that he is confused.It's a bit lost, and experiences through which are now part of his spiritual journey. "Tyler and Caroline moved from the stage that one could hardly bear to be one of the other favorite couples on the show, but after the appearance of the werewolves folks were captured and tortured her in Caroline's episode last week ["Daddy Issues"], it is hard to imagine now that they will return in the landscape as a couple.

Julie Plec says that "they have a long way to go that await them, that's for sure. Caroline is the kind of person who gives more confidence and feelings of people around him, and now feels that her friendship has been betrayed. On the other hand, Tyler feels exactly the same thing. Here's a guy who is used to keep the people and that is not common for people to keep him. So, somehow, it hurts his betrayal so much. "

But do not lose all hope in what it concerns two young crazy, they could make their relationship work well, but you have to rebuild the friendship before anything else happen anymore. With Tyler and Caroline werewolf vampire instincts and Nature of curses that both are convicted, the situation will become easier, all these things are against their friendship. Julie reveals: "Things will be increasingly difficult for them instead of being increasingly easier. Both have been through a lot and will go through many, all traumatic experiences. Let's say that their relationship does not goes, is something wrong. I strongly believe that there is hope for them. "

Meanwhile, Tyler is waiting a new full moon night, and this makes him frustrated because he no longer wants to make ever longer. "Once you learn the stone Tyler month [Moonstone] is the curse ... absolution with a bloody sacrifice, of course, he will have to make some choices of the utmost importance. Will certainly try to stop the transformation. Tyler is way to make some decisions that will be very well received. You will understand, but will also enjoy "adds Julie Dep.

Traducere in limba romana:

Nu este niciun secret ca ne place aparitia varcolacilor in Mystic Falls, desi ne enervam din cauza lui Tyler (Michael Trevino) pentru ca are un comportament neasteptat precum in episodul "Daddy Issues". 
Producator executiv al serialului, Julie Plec ne ghideaza printre misterele varcolacilor asigurandu-ne ca, in timp ce Tyler a facut-o lata atunci cand a ezitat sa o apere pe Caroline in batalia vampiri versus varcolaci, el nu este atat de rau precum pare. "Va reamintesc ca Tyler este la randul sau o victima", spune ea, "pentru un tip care nu este obisnuit sa isi recunoasca sentimentele. Avand in vedere modul in care a crescut, relatia cu tatal sau si felul sau de a fi de pana acum, genul de baiat condus de testosteron, ne dam seama ca el este confuz. Este cam ratacit, iar experientele prin care trece acum fac parte din calatoria sa spirituala". 
Tyler si Caroline au trecut de la stadiul la care abia se suportau unul pe celalalt la a fi unul dintre cuplurile preferate din serial, insa dupa aparitia amicilor varcolaci care au capturat-o si au torturat-o pe Caroline in episodul de saptamana trecuta ["Daddy Issues"], este greu de imaginat acum ca ei vor reveni in peisaj ca si cuplu. Julie Plec spune ca 
"ei au un drum lung de parcurs care ii asteapta, asta cu siguranta. Caroline este genul de persoana care ofera sentimente puternice si multa incredere persoanelor din jurul sau, iar acum simte ca prietenia ei a fost tradata. Pe de alta parte, Tyler simte exact acelasi lucru. Iata aici un baiat care nu este obisnuit sa tina la oameni si care nu este obisnuit ca oamenii sa tina la el. Asa ca, intr-un fel, tradarea sa il doare tot atat de mult".
Nu va pierdeti insa toate sperantele in ceea ce ii priveste pe acesti doi tineri nebunatici, ei ar putea face relatia lor sa mearga bine, insa trebuie sa reconstruiasca prietenia inainte sa se mai intample altceva. Cu Tyler varcolac si Caroline vampir, instinctele lor natrale si blestemele cu care amandoi sunt condamnati,  situatia nu va deveni mai usoara, toata aceste lucruri sunt impotriva prieteniei lor. Julie ne dezvaluie: "Lucrurile vor fi din ce in ce mai dificile pentru ei in loc sa fie din ce in ce mai usoare. Amandoi au trecut prin multe si vor mai trece prin multe, toate experiente traumatizante. Sa spunem ca relatia dintre ei nu va merge, este un lucru nedrept. Cred cu tarie ca exista speranta pentru ei".
Intre timp, pe Tyler il asteapta o noua seara cu luna plina, iar acest lucru il face sa fie frustrat pentru ca el nu isi mai doreste sa se mai transforme vreodata. "Odata ce Tyler va afla ca piatra lunii [moonstone] este cheia dezlegarii blestemului... impreuna cu un sacrificiu sangeros, desigur, el va trebui sa faca niste alegeri de maxima importanta. Cu siguranta ca va incerca sa opreasca transformarea. Tyler este pe cale sa ia niste decizii care nu vor fi prea bine primite. Veti intelege, insa nu va va placea" adauga Julie Plec.


Stefan and Elena are off to spend some romantic time together up at the lake house. You’d think they’d know better, really. A house in the middle of nowhere by a lake? That’s just asking for a machete-wielding psycho to come after you and your friends and kill you off one at a time. We’re pretty sure that Brady must own a machete (or two, or three), and the odds are good he enjoys stalking people staying in remote cabins, too…

Traducere in limba romana:

Stefan si Elena sunt în afara de a petrece ceva timp romantic împreună la casa de langa lac. Ai crede că le-ar cunoaşte mai bine, într-adevăr. O casă în mijlocul de nicaieri de un lac? Asta e doar asking pentru un psiho-machete inarmati să vină după tine si prietenii tai si sa te omoare pe unul la un moment dat. Suntem destul de siguri că Brady trebuie să deţină un machete (sau două, sau trei), iar sansele sunt bune, el se bucură de urmărire oameni care stau în cabine de la distanţă, prea ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Crying Wolf- season 2, episode 14

Stefan & Elena get away for what they hope will be a romantic weekend at the Gilbert family lake house, not realizing that they’ve been followed. Jenna starts to worry that Alaric isn’t being honest with her. Jules explains the importance of the sun and moon curse to Tyler, but leaves out an important detail. Damon attends a tea at the Historical Society in order to talk to Elijah, but Elijah isn’t giving up any secrets. With help from Caroline & Jeremy, Bonnie uses deceptive measures to get shocking new information out of Luka. Finally, Tyler offers Matt some relationship advice.

Traducere in limba romana:

Stefan & Elena au scapat de ceea ce ei speră că va fi un weekend romantic la casa familiei lac Gilbert, realizând că nu le-am fost urmate. Jenna începe să vă faceţi griji că Alaric nu este sincer cu ei.
Jules explică importanţa şi a lunii blestemul soare pentru Tyler, dar lasă la un detaliu important. Damon participa un ceai de la Societatea de Istorie, în scopul de a vorbi cu Ilie, dar Ilie nu este renunţarea la orice secrete.
Cu ajutor de la Caroline & Jeremy, Bonnie foloseste masuri de înşelătoare pentru a obţine noi informaţii şocante din Luka. În cele din urmă, Tyler ofera Matt unele sfaturi relaţie.

Scuze pentru traducerea proasta dar voi retusa cand timpul imi va permite acest lucru.
Va multumesc!!!

Ian Somerhalder: ‘Damon is evolving’

Ian Somerhalder has opened up about the ongoing evolution of his character on The Vampire Diaries.

Somerhalder, who plays the vampire Damon Salvatore on the CW series, spoke to the New York Post about how Damon has become a completely different character from how Somerhalder originally pictured him.

“I had called Kevin [Williamson, co-creator], freaking out because I wasn’t ripping more people’s heads off and dancing half-naked with sorority girls,” said Somerhalder. “He told me, ‘Damon is evolving’. There is a 100-episode arc to this guy’s journey and he must evolve… or die.”

Somerhalder went on to describe the appeal of the series: “It moves very quickly, which is fun because TV doesn’t typically move that way all the time. So Damon went through a pretty quick process of coming to town with an agenda to finding out that his agenda was completely wrong to staying in town because he started to care for people.

“That raised the stakes for him in a big way. When you forge relationships, you run the risk of caring. That makes it hard to walk away. And Damon, unfortunately, found himself subconsciously wanting to nurture those relationships. Now, he really cares about someone he wouldn’t have normally given a flying s**t about, pardon my French.”

Traducere in limba romana:

Ian Somerhalder a deschis cu privire la evoluţia continuă a caracterului său pe The Vampire Diaries. 
Somerhalder, care joaca rolul vampirului Damon Salvatore pe seria CW, a vorbit la New York Post despre cum Damon a devenit un personaj complet diferit de cum Somerhalder 
iniţial el imagine.
Am avut numit Kevin [Williamson, co creator], sperii pentru că nu am fost grozav de oameni de pe mai multe capete şi dans pe jumătate goală cu fete Sorority ", a spus Somerhalder.
"El mi-a spus," Damon evoluează ". Există un episod 100 arc de călătorie de acest tip şi el trebuie să evolueze ... sau mor. "
Somerhalder a continuat să descrie recurs din seria: "Se mişcă foarte repede, ceea ce este distractiv, deoarece TV nu se misca de obicei, în acest fel tot timpul.
Deci, Damon trecut printr-un proces destul de rapid de a veni în oraş, cu o ordine de zi pentru a afla că agenda sa a fost complet greşit pentru a rămâne în oraş pentru că a început să aibă grijă de oameni.
"Asta a ridicat miza pentru el într-un mare fel. Când cultive relaţii, tu a alerga riscul de îngrijire. Asta face greu de mers pe jos.
Damon şi, din păcate, a găsit el însuşi subconstient care doresc să cultive aceste relaţii. Acum, el ii pasa cu adevarat pe cineva el nu ar fi în mod normal, dat o s ** t despre care zboară, graţierea franceză mea. "

 Scuzati traducerea!!!

Kevin Williamson Joins ‘Secret Circle’ Adaptation, Puts ‘Vampire Diaries’ Companion Series On Hold

We’ve got some good Kevin Williamson news and some bad Kevin Williamson news, “Vampire Diaries” fans. You may recall, The CW has a slew of supernatural projects in the works including a potential companion show for “TVD” that showrunner Kevin is supposed to write, as well as a TV show adaptation of “TVD” author L.J. Smith‘s other book series “Secret Circle.” Well, one of those is happening, and the other one isn’t.

According to Deadline, Kevin has come on board “Secret Circle” as executive producer and is working on a pilot script. Unfortunately, that means his “TVD” companion series about paranormal investigators is on hold for now.

Though Kevin’s second-in-command, Julie Plec, isn’t on board for “Secret Circle” at the moment, Deadline seems to think it’s pretty likely she’ll head over in the near future. In our opinion, this is actually better news for “TVD” fans, because while the companion series might take place in the world Damon, Elena and Stefan inhabit, “Secret Circle” comes directly from author L.J. Smith’s hit factory.

The “Secret Circle” series follows 16-year-old Cassie, who moves from California to live with her mom in New Salem and falls in love with a mysterious boy named Adam. But, when she enrolls in high school there, she realizes that she, he and all the other elite students at the school are witches! She befriends their leader, Diana, but soon discovers that Adam and Diana are dating, which leads to a whole bunch of complicated drama.

Are you glad “Secret Circle” is getting adapted, or do you wish we were getting a “Vampire Diaries” companion series instead?

2.15 Dinner Party Still and 2.14 Cry Wolf Episode Description

007                   003              005             009      

A NIGHT OF CONFESSIONS — Katherine’s mind games are getting on everyone’s nerves, but Damon, Stefan and Elena realize that her knowledge of Mystic Falls history will help them stay alive. Frustrated with her relationship with Matt, Caroline finds a new way to get his attention. Alaric makes a surprising confession to Jenna, and Katherine makes a different kind of confession to Damon. Stefan and Bonnie try to convince Jonas and Luka that they should all be working together, but Jonas’ lack of trust leads to a violent and fiery confrontation. 

Traducere in limba romana:

O NOAPTE DE marturisiri - mintea jocuri Katherine sunt obtinerea de nervi pe toată lumea, dar Damon, Stefan si Elena seama că cunostintele sale de istorie Mystic Falls îi va ajuta să rămână în viaţă.
Frustrat cu relaţia ei cu Matt, Caroline găseşte un nou mod de a obţine atenţia. Alaric face o mărturisire surprinzătoare la Jenna, şi Katherine face un alt fel de confesiune pentru Damon.
Stefan Bonnie şi să încerce să convingă Jonas şi Luka că acestea ar trebui să fie toate de lucru împreună, dar "Jonas lipsa de încredere duce la o confruntare violentă şi foc.

Scuze pentru traducere!!

Nina Dobrev at the February Issue of Flare magazine

The lovely and the gorgeous Nina Dobrev had a cover photo shoot for the upcoming issue of Flare magazine . check out behind the scene photos at the

Traducere in limba romana:
Încântătoare şi superba Nina Dobrev a avut o sedinta foto acoperire pentru eliberarea viitoare a revistei bordurare. a verifica afară în spatele scenei fotografii la galerie.

The Vampire Diaries - season 2

The season 2 premiere of The Vampire Diaries is almost here, and for a good look at what's the come the CW has released the official synopsis for the first episode back, "The Return," airing Thursday, September 9 at 8pm. 

Here's what the CW has to say about the episode:

"Picking up on the same night as last season's finale, Elena arrives home to a nightmare as she discovers Uncle John's and Jeremy's fate. At the hospital, Sheriff Forbes is comforted by Matt, Bonnie and Damon while she waits to hear if Caroline will survive the car accident. After a confusing conversation with Elena about the night's events, Damon is the first to realize that Katherine has returned. Katherine's arrival sends Stefan and Damon on a path to find out what she wants, why she's back, and how much of a threat she is to the people they love. Meanwhile, still reeling from his father's death, Tyler is surprised when his charming and mysterious uncle, Mason Lockwood, arrives to console the family."

It's still a mystery what will happen to Jeremy and Caroline, but it's obvious that The Vampire Diaries is diving headfirst into the Katherine situation. It's also clear that Tyler's role is about to finally take off since he was a relatively minor character for the first season. Now with his uncle coming and his backstory ready to be unveiled, he could be the key to season 2.

Which part are you most excited to see? Jeremy's fate? Katherine? Tyler's uncle?

Traducere in limba romana:

Sezonul 2 premiera a The Vampire Diaries este aproape aici, şi pentru un aspect bun la ceea ce a venit CW a lansat sinopsis oficial pentru primul episod din spate, "The Return", difuzat joi nouă-9 la 20. Iată ce CW are de spus despre episod:
"Ridicarea pe aceeaşi noapte ca sezonul final trecut, Elena ajunge acasa, la un cosmar ca ea descopera unchiul lui Ioan şi soarta lui Jeremy. La spital, Sheriff Forbes este mângâiat de Matt, Bonnie şi Damon în timp ce ea aşteaptă să audă dacă Caroline va supravieţui accident de masina. 
După o conversaţie confuz cu Elena despre noapte evenimentele, Damon este primul de a realiza că Katherine a revenit. sosirea lui Katherine trimite Stefan si Damon pe o cale pentru a afla ce vrea, de ce sa întors, şi cât de mult de ea este o ameninţare la oameni le place.
Între timp, încă nu îşi revenise de la moartea tatălui său, Tyler este surprins când fermecător şi misterios unchiul său, Mason Lockwood, ajunge la consola de familie. "
Este încă un mister ce se va întâmpla la Jeremy şi Caroline, dar este evident că The Vampire Diaries este cu capul scufundări în situaţia Katherine. Este, de asemenea, clar că rolul Tyler este pe cale să ia sfârşit off, deoarece el a fost un caracter relativ minor pentru 
primul sezon.
Acum, cu unchiul său şi venirea lui backstory gata pentru a fi dezvaluit, el ar putea fi cheia pentru sezonul 2.

Stiu ca traducerea nu este prea stralucita dar sper sa intelegeti cate ceva, din cele prezentate, din pacate timpul nu este suficient pentru a realiza o excelenta traducere.
Va multumesc pentru intelegere!!!