Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ian Somerhalder: ‘Damon is evolving’

Ian Somerhalder has opened up about the ongoing evolution of his character on The Vampire Diaries.

Somerhalder, who plays the vampire Damon Salvatore on the CW series, spoke to the New York Post about how Damon has become a completely different character from how Somerhalder originally pictured him.

“I had called Kevin [Williamson, co-creator], freaking out because I wasn’t ripping more people’s heads off and dancing half-naked with sorority girls,” said Somerhalder. “He told me, ‘Damon is evolving’. There is a 100-episode arc to this guy’s journey and he must evolve… or die.”

Somerhalder went on to describe the appeal of the series: “It moves very quickly, which is fun because TV doesn’t typically move that way all the time. So Damon went through a pretty quick process of coming to town with an agenda to finding out that his agenda was completely wrong to staying in town because he started to care for people.

“That raised the stakes for him in a big way. When you forge relationships, you run the risk of caring. That makes it hard to walk away. And Damon, unfortunately, found himself subconsciously wanting to nurture those relationships. Now, he really cares about someone he wouldn’t have normally given a flying s**t about, pardon my French.”

Traducere in limba romana:

Ian Somerhalder a deschis cu privire la evoluţia continuă a caracterului său pe The Vampire Diaries. 
Somerhalder, care joaca rolul vampirului Damon Salvatore pe seria CW, a vorbit la New York Post despre cum Damon a devenit un personaj complet diferit de cum Somerhalder 
iniţial el imagine.
Am avut numit Kevin [Williamson, co creator], sperii pentru că nu am fost grozav de oameni de pe mai multe capete şi dans pe jumătate goală cu fete Sorority ", a spus Somerhalder.
"El mi-a spus," Damon evoluează ". Există un episod 100 arc de călătorie de acest tip şi el trebuie să evolueze ... sau mor. "
Somerhalder a continuat să descrie recurs din seria: "Se mişcă foarte repede, ceea ce este distractiv, deoarece TV nu se misca de obicei, în acest fel tot timpul.
Deci, Damon trecut printr-un proces destul de rapid de a veni în oraş, cu o ordine de zi pentru a afla că agenda sa a fost complet greşit pentru a rămâne în oraş pentru că a început să aibă grijă de oameni.
"Asta a ridicat miza pentru el într-un mare fel. Când cultive relaţii, tu a alerga riscul de îngrijire. Asta face greu de mers pe jos.
Damon şi, din păcate, a găsit el însuşi subconstient care doresc să cultive aceste relaţii. Acum, el ii pasa cu adevarat pe cineva el nu ar fi în mod normal, dat o s ** t despre care zboară, graţierea franceză mea. "

 Scuzati traducerea!!!

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