Friday, February 11, 2011

Vampire Diaries: Damon and Julie Plec Elena speaks- Vampire Diaries: Julie Plec vorbeste despre Damon si Elena

In the most recent episodes of "The Vampire Diaries," Damon (Ian Somerhalder) appears to indulge in much wine, women and blood. However a stirring some unwanted human feelings, get a deadly cocktail for him called Mystic Falls. Julie Plec says in an interview to Zap2it about Damon's apparent emotional breakdown. She reminded us that Damon said Stefan early second season: "At the beginning of the season, Damon told Stephen:" Katherine once you destroyed. Do not let this happen again "."
 Katherine's absence in Damon's life in the last 145 years has left much room for what Julie Plec called "Damon's party who are very self-destructive, very violent and very aggressive." Damon has lived in a dark lifestyle for a long time so it still has devnit way. Of course, there are chances for him, Damon has changed: "He remains under control because she wants to be, as Elaine says, a better man. That's not because of Katherine, but what is Elena." Now Damon's fights stem from the fact that we have to see Helen Stephen ofrindu his affection: "Damon has not and does not want Helen to be a hero. When you get to watch and not be recognized, he will go in search of the person who was in the last 145 years. "
Unfortunately, this means that he will return to old habits that you have somehow defined for a long time: "When show's writers wrote the story for the first episode when Rose died, he had a final quite different. had written the entire script and concluded with a Helen Damon-embracing. finished writing and writers and walked forward until they realized that Damon's response to the overwhelming feelings caused by Loss of Rose and Helen when they have emotional made too sensitive. " Then came the idea it could again become villain simply as a response to too many feelings. That changed everything. Therefore, Damon lost on the road drunk, confessed that he wanted to be a foreign man again, then killed her just to show he can. Damon's something not done since the beginning of the season. Julie Plec added: "The final speech was written by Kevin [Williamson] was brilliant. He changed everything. Even refreshed us all and reminded us that Damon can be deliciously evil or good and how EPC the two parts of it are in conflict with each other I. "

Traducere in limba romana:

In cele mai recente episoade "The Vampire Diaries," Damon (Ian Somerhalder) pare ca se rasfata cu mult vin, femei si sange. Amestecand toate acestea un niste sentimente umane nedorite, obtinem un cocktail ucigator pentru el numit Mystic Falls.  Julie Plec vorbeste intr-un interviu pentru Zap2it despre aparenta cadere emotionala a lui Damon. Ea ne-a reamintit ce i-a spus Stefan lui Damon la inceputul sezonului al doilea: "La inceputul sezonului, Stefan i-a spus lui Damon: 'Katherine te-a distrus o data. Nu lasa asta sa se intample din nou"'.
Absenta lui Katherine in viata lui Damon in ultimii 145 de ani a lasat mult loc pentru ceea ce Julie Plec numeste "parti ale lui Damon care sunt foarte auto-distructive, foarte violente si foarte agresive." Damon a traiat intr-un stil de viata intunecat pentru foarte mult timp asa inca asta a devnit felul sau. Desigur, exista sanse pentru el, Damon s-a schimbat: "El se mentine sub control pentru ca vrea sa fie, asa cum zice Elena, un om mai bun. Asta nu din cauza lui Katherine, ci pentru ceea ce Elena reprezinta." Acum framantarile lui Damon vin din faptul ca trebuie sa o vada pe Elena ofrindu-si afectiunea lui Stefan: "Damon nu o are pe Elena si nu vrea sa fie un erou. Cand va ajunge sa se priveasca si sa nu se mai recunoasa, el va merge in cautarea persoanei care a fost in ultimii 145 de ani".

Din nefericire, acest lucru inseama ca el se va intoarce la vechile obiceiuri care l-au cam definit pentru o lunga perioada de timp: "Cand scenaristii serialului au scris pentru prima data povestea pentru episodul in care Rose moare, acesta a avut un final cu totul diferit. Scriseseram intregul scenariu si incheiasem cu Damon imbratisand-o pe Elena. Terminasem de scris si mergeam inainte pana cand scriitorii si-au dat seama ca raspunsul lui Damon la sentimentele coplesitoare cauzate de piederea lui Rose si momentul emotional cu Elena l-au facut prea sensibil." 
Atunci a aparut ideea ca ar putea sa redevina pur si simplu ticalos ca un raspuns la prea multe sentimente. Asta a schimbat totul. Prin urmare, Damon a ratacit beat pe drumuri, s-a confesat unei straine ca doreste sa fie om din nou, apoi a ucis-o doar pentru a arata ca poate. E ceva ce Damon nu a mai facut de la inceputul acestui sezon. Julie Plec adauga: "Discursul din final a fost scris de Kevin [Williamson], a fost genial. A schimbat totul. Chiar ne-a revigorat pe toti si ne-a amintit ca Damon poate fi delicios de rau sau epc de bun si cum cele doua parti ale sale sunt in conflict una cu cealalata."