Thursday, February 10, 2011

Vampire Diaries: Julie Plec says that there are opportunities for Caroline and Tyler

It's no secret that we like the appearance in Mystic Falls werewolf, although we angry because Tyler (Michael Trevino) that has such unexpected behavior in the episode "Daddy Issues".

Executive Producer of the show, Julie Plec werewolf guide us through the mysteries of ensuring that, while a wide Tyler did when he hesitated to defend Caroline vampires versus werewolves in battle, he is not as bad as it seems."We remind you that Tyler is in turn a victim," she says, "for a guy who is not accustomed to recognize their feelings. Taking into consideration how the increased relationship with his father and his way to be up Now, the sort of testosterone driven guy, we realize that he is confused.It's a bit lost, and experiences through which are now part of his spiritual journey. "Tyler and Caroline moved from the stage that one could hardly bear to be one of the other favorite couples on the show, but after the appearance of the werewolves folks were captured and tortured her in Caroline's episode last week ["Daddy Issues"], it is hard to imagine now that they will return in the landscape as a couple.

Julie Plec says that "they have a long way to go that await them, that's for sure. Caroline is the kind of person who gives more confidence and feelings of people around him, and now feels that her friendship has been betrayed. On the other hand, Tyler feels exactly the same thing. Here's a guy who is used to keep the people and that is not common for people to keep him. So, somehow, it hurts his betrayal so much. "

But do not lose all hope in what it concerns two young crazy, they could make their relationship work well, but you have to rebuild the friendship before anything else happen anymore. With Tyler and Caroline werewolf vampire instincts and Nature of curses that both are convicted, the situation will become easier, all these things are against their friendship. Julie reveals: "Things will be increasingly difficult for them instead of being increasingly easier. Both have been through a lot and will go through many, all traumatic experiences. Let's say that their relationship does not goes, is something wrong. I strongly believe that there is hope for them. "

Meanwhile, Tyler is waiting a new full moon night, and this makes him frustrated because he no longer wants to make ever longer. "Once you learn the stone Tyler month [Moonstone] is the curse ... absolution with a bloody sacrifice, of course, he will have to make some choices of the utmost importance. Will certainly try to stop the transformation. Tyler is way to make some decisions that will be very well received. You will understand, but will also enjoy "adds Julie Dep.

Traducere in limba romana:

Nu este niciun secret ca ne place aparitia varcolacilor in Mystic Falls, desi ne enervam din cauza lui Tyler (Michael Trevino) pentru ca are un comportament neasteptat precum in episodul "Daddy Issues". 
Producator executiv al serialului, Julie Plec ne ghideaza printre misterele varcolacilor asigurandu-ne ca, in timp ce Tyler a facut-o lata atunci cand a ezitat sa o apere pe Caroline in batalia vampiri versus varcolaci, el nu este atat de rau precum pare. "Va reamintesc ca Tyler este la randul sau o victima", spune ea, "pentru un tip care nu este obisnuit sa isi recunoasca sentimentele. Avand in vedere modul in care a crescut, relatia cu tatal sau si felul sau de a fi de pana acum, genul de baiat condus de testosteron, ne dam seama ca el este confuz. Este cam ratacit, iar experientele prin care trece acum fac parte din calatoria sa spirituala". 
Tyler si Caroline au trecut de la stadiul la care abia se suportau unul pe celalalt la a fi unul dintre cuplurile preferate din serial, insa dupa aparitia amicilor varcolaci care au capturat-o si au torturat-o pe Caroline in episodul de saptamana trecuta ["Daddy Issues"], este greu de imaginat acum ca ei vor reveni in peisaj ca si cuplu. Julie Plec spune ca 
"ei au un drum lung de parcurs care ii asteapta, asta cu siguranta. Caroline este genul de persoana care ofera sentimente puternice si multa incredere persoanelor din jurul sau, iar acum simte ca prietenia ei a fost tradata. Pe de alta parte, Tyler simte exact acelasi lucru. Iata aici un baiat care nu este obisnuit sa tina la oameni si care nu este obisnuit ca oamenii sa tina la el. Asa ca, intr-un fel, tradarea sa il doare tot atat de mult".
Nu va pierdeti insa toate sperantele in ceea ce ii priveste pe acesti doi tineri nebunatici, ei ar putea face relatia lor sa mearga bine, insa trebuie sa reconstruiasca prietenia inainte sa se mai intample altceva. Cu Tyler varcolac si Caroline vampir, instinctele lor natrale si blestemele cu care amandoi sunt condamnati,  situatia nu va deveni mai usoara, toata aceste lucruri sunt impotriva prieteniei lor. Julie ne dezvaluie: "Lucrurile vor fi din ce in ce mai dificile pentru ei in loc sa fie din ce in ce mai usoare. Amandoi au trecut prin multe si vor mai trece prin multe, toate experiente traumatizante. Sa spunem ca relatia dintre ei nu va merge, este un lucru nedrept. Cred cu tarie ca exista speranta pentru ei".
Intre timp, pe Tyler il asteapta o noua seara cu luna plina, iar acest lucru il face sa fie frustrat pentru ca el nu isi mai doreste sa se mai transforme vreodata. "Odata ce Tyler va afla ca piatra lunii [moonstone] este cheia dezlegarii blestemului... impreuna cu un sacrificiu sangeros, desigur, el va trebui sa faca niste alegeri de maxima importanta. Cu siguranta ca va incerca sa opreasca transformarea. Tyler este pe cale sa ia niste decizii care nu vor fi prea bine primite. Veti intelege, insa nu va va placea" adauga Julie Plec.

1 comment:

  1. I love this couple......Caroline is very sweet...and Tyler is so beautiful....=amazing
